Bais Levi Yitzchak Shul
Located at
556 Crown St, corner Albany Ave.
Use the Albany Ave entrance (1 flight up)
Mailing address- 383 Kingston Ave / Suite 249
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213
Email address /
Tax Deductible donations via
Zelle or Cash App # 917-327-9493
Daily Minyan
Shacharis Sunday @ 9:00am
Shacharis Monday through Friday @ 8:00am
Mincha @ 1:45pm
Maariv @ 8:00pm
Nightly Shiurum
Shacharis Shabbos 10:00am
Special Announcements:
Thursday was Chof Zayin (27th) Adar and in a few weeks is Yud Aleph Nissan the Rebbe’s Birthday
In honor of Chof Zayin (27th ) Adar & Yud Aleph Nissan. Every one of us must do something special in honor of the Rebbe, to strengthen our connection with him. The following is a quote from Hayom Yom
“You ask how you can be bound (m'kushar) to me when I do not know you personally..."
"...The true bond is created by studying Torah. When you study my Maamarim, read the Sichos and associate with those dear to me - the Chassidic community and the tmimim - in their studies and Farbrenges, and you fulfill my request regarding saying Tehilim and observing Torah-study times - in this is the bond."
This Shabbos we read Parshas Ha’Chodesh
The Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh Nisan (or on Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Nisan). This Parsha talks about the first commandments that Hashem gave us: the sanctification of the months, establishing the calendar starting from Nissan; and also, the laws of Pesach
Maos Chittim
You can give Maos Chittim (gifts of money to the needy) through Bais Levi Yitzchak Shul. Please open your heart and participate in this special "Mitzvah".
No Tachnun is said the entire month of Nissan. - From Sunday Rosh Chodesh Nissan (3-30-25), we say the daily Parshah of the sacrifice of each Nasi, after Shacharis, followed by "Yehi Ratzon". (See Siddur). On the thirteenth, we read "Zos Chanukas." (see Siddur) The first Nasi to bring sacrifices, on Nissan 1, was Nachshon ben Aminadav, of the tribe of Yehudah, who was also the first to jump into the Yam Suf.
Monday 2nd of Nissan
Yahrzeit of our holy Master, Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber, the Rebbe RaShaB, of blessed memory, fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, 5680 (1920). He founded Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim. “...This day, the Yahrzeit of the Rebbe RaShaB, is the beginning of the leadership of my saintly father in-law. This day is meritorious for everyone to accept upon themselves, with a firm commitment to go in their ways that they taught, for the entire year, and they will be blessed, as they prophesied, ‘This is the vessel to receive their blessing in the material and the spiritual.’” [Letter of the Rebbe, Adar 25, 5710]
Sale of Chometz
Rabbi Mendel Lerman will be available from Tuesday on to sell the Chometz. 917-327-9493 or
Shabbos Schedule:
6:59pm Candle lighting for Crown Heights
1:45pm 1st Mincha
7:04pm 2nd Mincha
7:49pm Kabolos Shabbos
8:30am Tehillim for Shabbos Mevorchim
10:30am Shacharis
6:59pm Mincha / Seder Nigunim / Maamar
7:59pm Maariv / Shabbos Ends / Rebbe’s Video
Davening Schedule for the following week
Shacharis – Sunday @ 9:00am,
Monday through Friday @ 8:00am
Mincha – Sunday through Friday @ 1:45pm
Maariv – Sunday through Thursday @ 8:00pm
Grand Kiddush-Farbrengen- Co-sponsored
Sponsors Needed
Special Announcements:
Parshas Parah
This Shabbos we add Parshas Parah to the weekly Torah reading. Parshas Parah is read on the next to last Shabbos before Nisan (or the Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh). It teaches the laws of Parah Adumah - Red Heifer, and how it is purified. Since all Jews had to purify themselves before bringing the Korban Pesach, it is read now.
According to some Halachic authorities, it is a Torah obligation.
Parshas Parah will be read at BLYS at approximately 11:20 pm
Friday 21st Adar
Yahrtzeit of R. Elimelech of Lizhensk, author of Noam Elimelech, colleague of the Alter Rebbe, 5546 [1786].
Sunday 23rd of Adar
The Mishkan was assembled and disassembled for seven days until the Chanukahs’ Ha’Mishkan, 2449 (1312 BCE) (Bamidbar Rabba).
Beginning of the Consecration of Aharon and his sons as Kohanim,
Dedication of Second Beis HaMikdash, [516 BCE]. May we merit for the rebuilding of the 3rd Bais Hamikdash Amen Now
Tuesday 25th of Adar
The 25th of Adar is the birthday of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. On this day, 5789, the Rebbe instituted a birthday campaign by making farbrengen on one's birthday. May we all be blessed in her honor.
Thursday 27th of Adar
Rebbe suffered a stroke. 13 days before the Rebbe had the stroke, he gave out the Maamar VeAta Tzaveh, which discusses the role of Moshe Rabbeinu in
every generation. In honor of Chof Zayin (27th) Adar & Yud Aleph Nissan. Everyone should learn that Maamar, do something special in honor of the Rebbe, to strengthen our connection with him.
(The following is a quote from Hayom Yom)
“You ask how you can be bound (M’Kusher) to me when I do not know you personally..."
"...The true bond is created by studying Torah. When you study my Maamorim, read the Sichos, and associate with those dear to me - the Chassidic community and the Temimim - in their studies and Farbrengens, and you fulfill my request regarding saying Tehilim and observing Torah-study times - in this is the bond."
Shabbos Schedule:
6:51pm Candle lighting for Crown Heights
1:45pm 1st Mincha
6:56pm 2nd Mincha
7:41pm Kabbolas Shabbos
9:15am Chasiddus with Rabbi Lerman
10:00am Shacharis
6:51pm Mincha / Seder Nigunim / Maamar
7:51pm Maariv / Shabbos Ends/ Rebbe Video
Davening Schedule for the following week
Shacharis - Sunday @ 9:00am
Monday through Friday @ 8:00am
Mincha – Sunday through Friday @ 1:45pm
Maariv – Sunday through Thursday @ 7:45pm
Grand Kiddush Sponsored by:
Rabbis Mendel, Gershon Lerman & family in honor of their mothers Yahrzeit Menucha bas Yitzchak obm her Neshama should have the highest Aliya ever.
Mr. & Mrs. Leibish and Choula Nash, in honor of Choula’s father’s first Yahrzeit Moshe ben Tzion Ha’Kohen obm his Neshama should have the highest aliya ever.
Mrs. Anat Hazan, in honor of her mother’s Yahrzeit Elvira Chaya Mushka bas Avraham obm her Neshama should have the highest aliya ever.
Mr. & Mrs. Baruch and Chana Bongart in honor of Baruch’s birthday Mazal Tov you should have a Shenas Hatzlacha Ubracha, with all unlimited Brachos.
In honor of our father, Zaidy, and Alter Zaidy, Boruch Bongart, on the occasion of his Birthday on Shabbos. Wishing you Arichas Yomim Tovim Umutzlachim, a long good successful life, with a year of Hatzlacha and Bracha, success and blessing, filled with Joy, good health, wealth, and loads of Chassidishe and Yiddishe Nachas from all of your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren! With love, The Bongart and Polter families
Dr. & Mrs. Aaron and Nechama Bennish in honor of Nechama's birthday Mazal Tov you should have a Shenas Hatzlacha Ubracha.
Thursday Taanis Esther (3-13-2025)
Friday Purim (3-14-2025)
Sponsorship Available
Sponsorship needed for our grand annual Purim Bash** Breaking the fast ** Bagels & Spreads ** Music ** Electric Games ** Cotton Candy ** Face Painting **
** For the entire family **
To take part in this special Zechus, a day of Wonders & Miracles with
unlimited blessings, please be in touch with Rabbi Mendel Lerman.
Machatzis Hashekel (Half a Shekel)
Thursday before Mincha, we give Machatzis Hashekel to commemorate the giving of a silver half a Shekel contributed by each Jew to the Holy Bais Hamikdash
Mattanot L’Evyonim - Purim Gifts for needy families
You can give Mattanot L’Evyonim (gifts of money to the needy)
through Bais Levi Yitzchak Shul.
Thursday Taanis Ester
5:49am Fast Begins
8:00am Shacharis (please come on time Selichos etc.)
1:45pm 1st Mincha, Machatzis Hashekel before Mincha
6:28pm 2nd Mincha - You can give Mattanot L’Evyonim (gifts of money to the needy)
through Bais Levi Yitzchak Shul.
7:28pm Maariv/Fast Ends
7:40pm Megillah Reading / There will be simultaneously Megillah reading for women with children in the big classroom.
Followed by
Breaking the Fast & Purim bash
***Fun Entertainment for the entire family***
*** Cotton Candy ***
***Electronic Games *** Face painting ***
*** Spin Art *** Food *** Nosh *** Music ***
Friday Erev Shabbos Purim Day
8:00am Shacharis
8:30am Megillah Reading
10:15am 2nd Megillah Reading
1:45pm Mincha
Purim observances include:
a) Reading of the Megillah (Book of Esther), which recounts the story of the Purim miracle.
b) Giving to the poor (gifts of money should be given to at least two poor people).
c) Sending gifts of food to friends (a list two ready-to-eat foods to at least one friend).
d) The Purim feast.
e) Reciting the Al Hanissim prayer.
Customs include dressing up in costumes and traditional Purim foods.
Friday Afternoon
6:44pm Candle lighting for Crown Heights
7:34pm Kabbolas Shabbos
Shabbos Day Schedule
9:15am Chassidus with Rabbi Mendel Lerman
10:00am Shacharis / followed by Farbrengen / Kiddush.
6:44pm Mincha / Seder Nigunim / Maamar
7:43pm Maariv / Shabbos Ends / Video
Davening Schedule for the following week
Shacharis - Sunday @ 9:00am
Monday through Friday @ 8:00am
Mincha – Sunday through Friday @ 1:45pm
Maariv – Sunday through Thursday @ 7:45pm
Grand Kiddush / Farbrengen co-sponsored
Mrs. Mazal Zirkind in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov Mazal Tov she should have a Shnas Hatzlacha Ubracha
Mr. & Mrs. Yoseph Ha’Kohen Shurpin, in honor of Yoseph’s father Yahrzeit Sholom ben Reb Yehuda Ha’Kohen obm, his Neshama should have the highest Aliya ever.